Tuesday 20 October 2009

My Group

I have now been put into a group with Xanthe Joseph ,Fiona McArthur and Colleen Nolan.We all has Ideas that link together. We put all of our ideas together and came up with the idea of the perfect women.

Xanthes idea was all about false identy ,this idea was looking at why do women feel the need to use make up and false attachments ,is itbecause they are inscure and using them to make them feel good ,or isit just because they want to inhance their image.She also looked at more serious changes women make like plastic surgry .We all liked this idea but thought we needed to go into a more persific area of this.We are going to be using the idea of using false attachments and make up to make the perfect women.

Fionas First idea was about facebook , we found this quite hard to fit into our idea so we used her second idea this was about how the media influnces young women and how the photos in magazines are all edited.We used this in our idea because we could relate how women look into the media to find the perfect women .

Colleens Idea was all about all about fenimism she wanted to promote this as knowone really knew what it was about. Her Second Idea was about eating disorders this also fitted in with my idea.

My idea was all about annorexia in young girls,i wanted to focus on how barbie could be an influence towards this as young girls grow up with barbie dolls.As we disussed this in the group we came across a problem as we did not kno any annorexic people that would be willing to tell us their story .But from this we took the idea of barbie as she is seen as a perfect women.

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