Tuesday 20 October 2009

20/10/2009 Group Dissussion

Today me and my media group had a group meeting as we were still not sure of final idea and we was confused.

  • We discused out previous idea about facebook and how it changes out culture,none of us really liked this idea and were not very enthusiastic about it.
  • Our teacher suggested we start from scratch on a new idea ,we all like the idea on facebook so we done a brain storm of all the documentrys we could do on facebook and choose our favourite one.
  • The final idea we chose was how young girls represent themselfs on facebook and how this could give out the wrong impression .
  • We disscused the target audience and come to the conclusion that it would be targerted at parents and the children using facebook because the parents need to be aware of what their children are doing and the children need to be aware that although thay may not realise they could be sending out the wrong signals and this could bring them very negetive attention .
  • We then allocated all of us some research to do overnight so we could present or ideas to the teacher.My job was to do some primary research I made a questionaire for the young children using facebook so we can find out what they think.


  • If we went into more deatail of what excatly we was going to put into the documentry .

Overall i think this sesion went well as we have sorted out all the previous problems and now have a final idea.

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