Sunday 11 October 2009

Barbie As An Influence On Annorexia

On Reasearching Annorexia i came accross an artical on "Could Barbie Be An Influence On Anorexia".I found this quite interesting and thought this would be the perfect topic do do my documentry on.

Some Research I Found interesting

Looking Like Barbie: An Impossible Body Image

Barbie really doesn't look like a woman. Her form is perhaps best described as "woman-like."

There are many opinions on what Barbie's chest-waist-hip measurements would be if she were a real adult woman. I've seen 32-18-29, 36-18-38, get the picture. Basically, Barbie looks as though someone squeezed her middle like a tube of toothpaste -- so tight that the "flesh" at her waist was forced to her breasts and hips (but not to her thighs, of course).

Some say that a seven-foot woman with Barbie's proportions would weigh only 110 pounds. With so much of that weight concentrated in her chest, it's common to suggest that Barbie wouldn't be able to walk without tipping over. << Youtube Video i found on how barbie is a bad influence.

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