Wednesday 11 November 2009



This was a anorexia docummentary i found on youtube done by students.

In this documentary i liked the way they interviewed lots of different people and got many different views. I Also like the fact they took a small clip from hollyoaks to help relate their topic to somethig well known to the public.Their music was also good as it fit in with what was hppening in the background.

Story Boards

Questionnaires and results

We gave out 80 questionnaires and here were the results.

Email Channel 4

This was the email i sent to channel 4 asking permission to use a small clip from one of their documentaries .


Xanthe is going to be acting as our presenter.She will be doing all the interviews.He name in the documentary will be Alexandra Smith.

Colleen is going to be interviewed as a young distressed teenand talking about the troubles she went through because of something that happened on facebook.

Lisa is going to be taking us through her facebook and showing us what goes on.Lisa is only 11 so is under the age of being allowed to have facebook.

Luke is going to be doing a re-enactment as a teenage boy who is getting stalked .

Katie Piper

Katie was involved in a serious attack from a man she had met on face book.She was raped and then had acid thrown over her face . We want to show young children that dangerous people are on facebook so you really need to be careful .We would like to use a small clip from her documentary "My Beautiful Face ".

Tuesday 10 November 2009

Target Audience


We are targeting both male and female as facebook is something that concerns both genders .We want to show the dangers of Facebook this can relate to both genders.


We are targeting all races as facebook is a very multiracial social networking website and the topic we are covering can relate to all races.


We are targeting two different ages .The first is young children from the age of 9-14 who are vulnerable and are not really ment to using facebook.We want to show them the dangers they can come across on facebook.We also want to target parents to see if they really know what their child is doing on facebook and show them how important it is for them to keep an eye out because facebook can be dangerous.

Cindy Jackson

Cindy Jackson was a women who was very inspired by barbie and had 47 operaions to try and look like her.


On doing research about annorexia in young girls i cam across Barbie as an influence .I found this very interesting and thought this would be a good thing to base my documentary on as annorexia in young girls was a bit breif.I liked the idea that barbie is seen as a perfect women because on growning up mose girls have a barbie,Barbie is an inspiration to some young girls.This is wrong though because barbies body is physically impossible to achieve .

Research Artical

This was an artical i came across,itdoes not give out a good message to young girls because if they look at this celeb and she is being told she is to fat she needs to loose weight to be able to play a roll in a TV Program then they may feel if they are saying she is to fat then what must they think of me.

Choosing Documentary

I have looked at the syllabus and i have choosen to do a documentary as i thought this would be the most interesting because documentarys are based on real life situations . The first thing i done was a brain storm of the type of documentarys i would like to do.
I Then went on to brainstorm in more deatail.


After doing the brainstorming i really likes the idea of anorexia in your girls and that was the topic i wanted my documentary to be about.From this i went on to find more infomation about this topic.


This was the powerpoint presentation i presented to my Class.


As our pervious ideas did not work .We All decided to start fresh and come up with a whole new idea.We discused this and thaught as Facebook is a worldwide social networking site that has become very popular over the last few years this would be a good topic to do.This was just a few ideas from facebook we came up with.



This is where we are going to be asking people on the street about their views on facebook .We Chose this place as it is easy for all off us to get to and it always busy on a saturday.

Pelican Newsagents

This is where we are going to be filming the re-enactment of the young boy getting stalked.

Computer Room

Here we will be filming the presenter as she introduces what is going to be happening in the documentary.